1-to-1 Services
Life Coaching
Conscious Parenting
Mother Daughter Relationship
Living Life with Mindfulness
Group Programs
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
Present Practical Parenting
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Women’s Empowerment Circles
Corporate Wellness
Feel the Fear Empower
Manage Stress & Anxiety
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Please state how you want your name to appear on your Certificate of Completion of the Feel The Fear Program
Which technology did you use to attend the sessions?
Mobile Phone
Laptop / Desktop
IPad / Other
Section 1: Sandra as a Instructor and Presenter
How was my presence as an expert on the program?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did I lead well and convince you of the power of the material?
Please explain and/or give examples
Visibility on camera: did I appear to be looking at you all?
Please explain and/or give examples
Was I speaking clearly and with authority?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did I explain things well?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did I know the material and share it convincingly so that you understood?
Please explain and/or give examples
Were there enough examples when explaining the material?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did I talk too much? Would you prefer for the group to talk more and share?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did I speak too little?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did I come across as natural and relaxed on video?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did you notice any body language that might have shown my nervousness at any point? For example, was I moving my hands too much, touching my face etc?
Please explain and/or give examples
Was my appearance professional?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did you feel empowered, supported and encouraged to take risks during the sessions?
Please explain and/or give examples
What would have encouraged you to speak more?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did I interject in a timely manner if people were speaking for too long?
Please explain and/or give examples
Was I a good listener?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did I help you relate the information to your own life circumstances?
Please explain and/or give examples
Any additional comments on Section 1 - Sandra as an Instructor and Presenter
Please explain and/or give examples
Section 2: Content and Technology
Was is OK to be kept in the waiting room until 11am / 2pm?
Please explain and/or give examples
On screen video – could you see all of us without power point presentation?
Please explain and/or give examples
On screen video with the power-point presentation shared? Could you still see everyone?
Please explain and/or give examples
How was the opening of each session?
Please explain and/or give examples
How was the closing of each session?
Please explain and/or give examples
Were you comfortable with Zoom?
Please explain and/or give examples
Was the PowerPoint presentation helpful to have up on the screen?
Please explain and/or give examples
Were the objectives clearly stated?
Please explain and/or give examples
Were the objectives delivered?
Please explain and/or give examples
What were the advantages to having the program on Zoom rather than in-person?
Please explain and/or give examples
What were the disadvantages to having the program on Zoom rather than in-person?
Please explain and/or give examples
Was the screen camera good?
Please explain and/or give examples
Was the audio good?
Please explain and/or give examples
Any additional comments on Section 2 - Content and Technology?
Please explain and/or give examples
Section 3: Program Materials and Pricing
As the program was online, was it a hassle to get the workbook printed?
Please explain and / or give examples
Would it be better if it got posted to you? This would have to be added to the cost of the program.
Please explain and / or give examples
I am thinking to price the program between 300 – 500 euro (1200 – 2000 aed) for six weeks at 1 ½ hours per week. Works out at about [50 – 80 euro] / [200 – 400 aed]
Please explain and / or give examples
I am thinking to price the program between 300 – 500 euro (1200 – 2000 aed) for six weeks at 1 ½ hours per week. Works out at about [50 – 80 euro] / [200 – 400 aed]
Please explain and / or give examples
Any additional comments on Section 3 - Materials and Pricing
Please explain and/or give examples
Section 4: Break-Out Rooms
Did you feel welcomed and supported in the first 20 minutes of the program?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did you have an idea of what we would be doing by the first hour of the program?
Please explain and/or give examples
Was the time long enough in break out rooms?
Please explain and/or give examples
How did you feel when I entered the break outs rooms? Would you prefer me to speak or just observe?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did you have enough instructions before you entered the break out rooms?
Please explain and/or give examples
Could you read my typed messages in break out rooms?
Please explain and/or give examples
Could you hear my audio instructions in break out rooms?
Please explain and/or give examples
What would improve your experience in the break out rooms?What would improve your experience in the break out rooms?
Please explain and/or give examples
Any additional comments on Section 4 - Break-Out Rooms
Please explain and/or give examples
Section 5: Experiential Activities
Giving your feedback from the previous week at the start of each session
Please explain and/or give examples
Reading out loud quotes from the workbook
Please explain and/or give examples
Being in the Breakout rooms and having different partners
Please explain and/or give examples
How you felt when I asked for feedback on the activities in the whole group?
Please explain and/or give examples
What did you think of the stand-up exercise for negative and positive statements? Mind – Body Connection and energy
Please explain and/or give examples
Roleplaying the No-Win and No-Lose decisions making process
Please explain and/or give examples
What did you think of the visualization mediation for Power on the mountain top?
Please explain and/or give examples
What did you think of the rapid fire round of things you are grateful for?
Please explain and/or give examples
What did you think about sharing something positive about the other group members? (when the groups are bigger I would likely do it in break out rooms.
Please explain and/or give examples
Giving one word of how you are feeling exercise
Please explain and/or give examples
How did hearing other people’s stories help you or not help you?
Please explain and/or give examples
In the final session, was the recap of all we covered in the whole program clear and sufficient?
Please explain and/or give examples
Did the final 20 minutes of the last session have you feeling empowered and ready for the next stages of your journey? Was the saying goodbye at the very end sufficient?
Please explain and/or give examples
Any additional comments on Section 5 - Experiential Activities
Please explain and/or give examples
Section 6: Homework & Communication between sessions
How did having the book support your learning from the sessions? Would you be fine without having the book?
Please explain and/or give examples
Was the homework clear and helpful?
Please explain and/or give examples
Timing: was 1 ½ hours (too short /too long?) over 6 weeks (too long / too short?) balanced, appropriate, doable?
Please explain and/or give examples
Would you attend the program over 2 full days instead? Pros and cons of this?
Please explain and/or give examples
Would you attend the program over 4 half days instead? Pros and cons of this?
Please explain and/or give examples
What variety of days and times would you think would suit different people?
Please explain and/or give examples
If you were delivering this program, what would you do differently?
Please explain and/or give examples
If you were delivering this program, what would you add?
Please explain and/or give examples
If you were delivering this program, what would you remove?
Please explain and/or give examples
Please share anything at all that can help me improve the program and my delivery of the program
Please explain and/or give examples
Any additional comments on Section 6 - Homework & Communication between sessions
Please explain and/or give examples
Section 7: Helping Sandra Market Herself
Marketing myself and being very visible is my next challenge. Something I have tended to not embrace in the past. (Level 2 fear of being criticized / ridiculed / confronted – working on it!) My services are for anyone 18yrs and above.
Please would you make a short video testimonial for my website? Research shows actual people on video is much more reliable when others are thinking about signing up for the program or my services. If yes, somewhere in the testimonial, please mention how it specifically helped you. Length about 30 – 50 seconds.
If you need any guidance or ideas, message me.
Would you send details of my website, what I do and the flyers I produce to your own network where appropriate (friends, family, acquaintances, work colleagues, safe strangers and organisations) to promote my business?
Would you follow me on Instagram, Facebook and signup to my newsletters / blogs ?
Please explain and / or give examples
Who would you recommend this program to?
Please explain and / or give examples
If you didn’t know me or the program, what would you want to see on the flyers / advertising to convince you to sign up for the program?
Please explain and / or give examples
What words would make you curious that this program would be something really beneficial for you?
Please explain and / or give examples
What would stop you from joining this program?
Please explain and / or give examples
You were somewhat familiar with Feel the Fear book and personal growth. You are already the believers in living an empowered life and know that these strategies are practical and they really work. However, for some people, this may be the very beginning of their empowerment journey, how can I entice them in the program and my services?
Please explain and / or give examples
If you did not know me , what would you need to know about me to convince you to take that leap of faith to joining a group or arrange 1-to-1 sessions with me?
Please explain and / or give examples
If people already have a group, I can prepare a tailored program time and date for them. Group sizes preferably between 8 – 16 people. Please share this information too.
Please explain and / or give examples
Would you share my information of my other services, GOYOU: Get Out of Your Own Ways? 1-to-1 and Group Programs? I work with people 18 yrs old and above.
Please explain and / or give examples
Corporate: Do you have connections with any organisations, companies, groups in any industry that might be interested in my Corporate Feel the Fear Program?
Please explain and / or give examples
The Corporate Program is similar to the Personal Development Program you just completed, however it would use more ‘business language’ and apply more examples to the workplace. This is to ensure employers identify the program with improved staff motivation, productivity, less absenteeism and accountability. However, we also know it will have a profound impact on their personal life too. If you have some contacts, please let me know and I can prepare a suitable corporate marketing flyer to share.
Please explain and / or give examples
Any additional comments on Section 7 - Helping Sandra Market Herself
Please explain and / or give examples
Section 8: About You
How many people know you were doing the program? Why this number of people?
Please explain and / or give examples
Did people notice or comment on any changes they observed in you over the 6 weeks? Were they Curious? Supportive? Indifferent, Destructive?
Please explain and / or give examples
Did you get a response from the person you sent a ‘thank you’ message to?
Please explain and / or give examples
What made you commit and stay committed to the program and the homework?
Please explain and / or give examples
Have things changed for you as a person since beginning the program? In what ways?
Please explain and / or give examples
Did you expect the program to impact you and your life?
Please explain and / or give examples
How will you continue this journey?
Please explain and / or give examples
Any additional comments on Section 8 - About You
Please explain and / or give examples
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and feedback with me.
Any final thoughts?