Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with the Privacy & GDPR Policies.
By using this website and service, you hereby consent and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Security & Confidentiality

GOYOᑌ endeavours to provide a secure and confidential service. The service utilises the Zoom platform with TLS encryption and sessions are conducted in a private and secure environment with no interruptions. The technology equipment is regularly updated with anti-virus software, well maintained, stored in a safe environment and password protected. All sessions are carried out in a secure private environment without interruptions.

Clients are responsible for their privacy and security, and noise cancelling earphones are recommended.

Clients using the services of GOYOᑌ are responsible for the maintenance and protection of their own technology and for regularly updating their security software. Clients are not permitted to record any part of the sessions. Clients are responsible for making the necessary arrangements to ensure confidentiality from their end during sessions and afterwards where devices may be shared. GOYOᑌ accepts no responsibility for client’s devices, nor any technical difficulties occurring in connection with www.getoutofyourownways.com

Personal data is required for GOYOᑌ’s own records and may be stored in a secure file and may not be released to a third party except under court order.

Clients accept that there are limits to confidentiality. While the content of the sessions and the client’s identity is treated with the strictest confidence, this may cease should the client disclose information which indicates that the client’s safety or others is at risk. In all instances where it may be necessary to break confidentiality the client will be informed prior to any action being taken.

All records and data relating to the session remains the property of GOYOᑌ and no part of session content may be used by any other party for publication in any form or use in study without the written consent of GOYOᑌ.

Terms of Use

GOYOᑌ provides professional wellbeing support service focusing on personal development and navigating the regular life challenges that come our way. The four service branches of GOYOᑌ, Life coaching, Conscious Parenting, Mother-Daughter Coaching and Mindful Living, facilitate an accompanied journey into self-exploration. However, clients are fully responsible for their actions, decisions and behaviours, during, between and after sessions.

It is important to understand that GOYOᑌ is NOT a clinical mental health service and does not address clinical concerns and disorders. However, GOYOᑌ can provide suitable referral options for an individual upon request. Should it become apparent during a session that a client may need other services, they will agree to being put in contact with / referred to a suitbale mental health professional.

You must be 18 years of age or older to access GOYOᑌ services.

Clients must complete and sign the new client intake forms prior to their first session of individual or group programs providing relevant information on their current needs and declaring that they understand and agree with the Terms and conditions.

The completed client intake forms will guide whether our GOYOᑌ services are suitable for your current needs. If deemed that our GOYOᑌ services are not a match at that time, a full refund will be provided.

The contract of engagement in sessions with GOYOᑌ is subject to acceptance by the client that the terms of use and the confidentiality and security policy have been accepted and understood. By accepting the terms of use clients permanently agree to release and indemnify GOYOᑌ from all actions, suits, lawsuits and claims originating from sessions provided by GOYOᑌ.


Sessions are of a set appointment time. Clients are responsible for ensuring that they are available to start the session on time. As all sessions will end on time, sessions that do not begin on time will be of a reduced time but subject to the full price.Clients are required to turn on their cameras for every session and ensure their speakers and microphone are working well.Sessions affected by technical difficulties or cancellations on behalf of GOYOᑌ will be subject to a full refund or a rescheduled session. Clients may end sessions at any time but in the interest of closure all clients will be asked to attend for a closing session. Under no circumstances are sessions permitted to be recorded.


If an individual appointment is cancelled for a genuine* reason 48 working hours before an appointment there will be no charge. However, if multiple appointments are cancelled, GOYOᑌ retain the right to charge for cancelled appointments.

All appointments cancelled within the last 48 working hours before an appointment, will be charged as it will be deemed too late to offer it to someone else.

Group program appointments will not be refunded for non-attendance.

Cancellations by GOYOᑌ will result in a full refund or a rescheduled session as per the client’s request.

*Medical emergency, bereavement or similar.


While sessions provide the space for clients to explore their thoughts and feelings, some of which might be difficult, threatening or abusive behaviour will not be acceptable. Each client is expected to respect any other person attending the session. Disrespectful behaviour may result in the session ending for that client and being liable for the full session cost.

Clients and all users of the site https://getoutofyourownways.com are not permitted to attempt to damage the site in any way through the introduction of viruses, Trojans, trolls, or any form of malicious or harmful technology. Details of any breach of this will be forwarded to the relevant authorities.

All payments are made through Stripe or PayPal at least 48 hours prior to the appointment time.
In cases where Stripe or PayPal is not an option, alternative payment options can be arranged, at the discretion of GOYOᑌ. For information on cancellations please refer to cancellations section.

By accepting the terms and conditions clients agree to comply with the following:

◙ Clients must be over 18.
◙ Clients have read and agree to the policy on terms and conditions and understand their implications.
◙ Clients have completed and submitted the New Client Information Form to GOYOᑌ in its entirety prior to their first session.
◙ Clients agree that the use of the service is for online wellbeing services and not a clinical mental health service.
◙ Clients are not permitted to record sessions under any circumstances.
◙ Clients accept that the publication of details pertaining to sessions must not be undertaken without the prior written consent of GOYOᑌ.
◙ Clients accept that contact between the client and GOYOᑌ take place within the session, the only exceptions being for the purpose of cancellation or rescheduling or as per contracted by client and GOYOᑌ.
◙ Clients agree to disclose honestly their medical history and all current medications.
◙ Clients understand that this is not a free service and that all sessions are subject to payment in advance.